Sunday, 19 May 2013

StartUp Groovy Scripts commands in SoapUI

// ***************** Project Commands***************************
// Define Project object
def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project

// Get Project Location project.getPath()

// ***** Get Default Project Properties
1. Name

2. Default Scripting Language project.getDefaultScriptLanguage()

In Similar fashion we can fetch other default values of project properties like ‘Description (getDescription)’, etc

// ***** Get Custom Project Properties project.getPropertyValue(“Property1”)

// ***** Change/Set default project property values
1. Name project.setName("Currency")

2. Change Default Script Language project.setScriptLibrary("Groovy")

In Similar fashion we can set other default values of project properties like ‘Description (setDescription)’, etc

// ***** Set Custom Project Properties project.setPropertyValue(“Property1”, “SampleValue”)

// *******************************************************************

// *********************** Test Suite Commands***************************
// Define Test Suite object
def sTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite

// ***** Get Default Test Suite Properties
## Name

// ***** Get Custom TestSuite Properties sTestSuite.getPropertyValue("SuiteProperty1")

// ***** Change default Test Suite property values
## Name sTestSuite.setName("Currency")

// ***** Set Custom Test Suite Properties sTestSuite.setPropertyValue("SuiteProperty1", "ChangeSampleValue")

 // *******************************************************************

// *********************** Test Case Commands*************************
// Define Test Case object
def sTestCase = testRunner.testCase

// ***** Get Default Test Case Properties
## Name

// ***** Get Custom TestSuite Properties sTestCase.getPropertyValue("TestCaseProperty1")

// ***** Change default Test Case property values
## Name sTestCase.setName("TestCaseCurrency")

// ***** Set Custom Test Case Properties sTestCase.setPropertyValue("TestCaseProperty1", "ChangeSampleValue")

// *******************************************************************

// ***************** Global Property Commands**************************
// Define SoapUI Global object
def oGlobal = com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.globalProperties

// ***** Get Global property

// ***** Set New Global Property
oGlobal.setPropertyValue("GlobalProperty2", "GlobalValue2")

SOAPUI Properties

SoapUI Properties
Properties are a central aspect of more advanced testing with soapUI. In regard to Functional Testing properties are used to parameterize the execution and functionality of your tests, for example:

·         Properties can be used to hold the endpoints of your services, making it easy to change the actual endpoints used during test execution (see example below)
·         Properties can be used to hold authentication credentials, making it easy to manage these in a central place or external file
·         Properties can be used to transfer and share session ids during test execution, so multiple teststeps or testcases can share the same sessions
·         etc


Default Property:
·         These are the set of properties which comes by default with every soapUI installation.
·         We can change the values of these properties (not in every case) & consume as when needed.

Custom/User Defined Property:
·         These are the set of properties which the end user defines as per his requirement.
·         It can be used a temporary storage for validating the end result of any test (like in assertion).

# Global Properties: specify/define the properties associated with installed version of soapUI. These properties can be access across the project/test suites/ test cases and so on.

# Project Properties: specify the properties associated with the current project. This property can be used by all the subset (test suite, test case, test step, script) of the project.

# Test Suite Properties: specify the properties associated with the current test suite. This property can be used by all the subset (test case, test step, script) of the test suite.

# Test Cases Properties: specify the properties associated with the current test case. This property can be used by all the subset (test step, script) of the test cases.

# Test Step Properties: specify the properties associated with the current test step. This property can be used by all the subset (test step, property transfer, script) of the test steps


Saturday, 18 May 2013

Enable and Disable Test Cases in SoapUI using Groovy


If you require to get the list of of test cases of a test suite under SoapUI project, use the below code with in groovy step:

// **** Test case list
// Create testSuite object

def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;

// Get the array of test cases
def iTotalTestCases = oTestSuite.getTestCaseList().name

// Fetch list of test case and their name
for(testCaseCounter in (0..(iTotalTestCases.size-1)))
{ iTotalTestCases[testCaseCounter]

// **** Below Code is on the basis of  index value
// Create testSuite object
def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;

// Get the count of test cases in a testSuite
def iTotalTestCases = oTestSuite.getTestCases().size();

// List down the name of each test Case with in a test suite
for(testCaseCounter in (0..iTotalTestCases-1))
def sTestCaseName = oTestSuite.getTestCaseAt(testCaseCounter).name sTestCaseName


** Note: Result in sequential order as shown in above snapshot

## Disable Test Cases in SoapUI using groovy
// ***** Code to disable test step using its name:
def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;
oTestSuite.getTestCaseByName("TestCase 1").setDisabled(true)

if require to disable all cases within a test suite in one go then use below code:

// Create testSuite object

def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;

// Get the array of test cases
def iTotalTestCases = oTestSuite.getTestCaseList().name

// Fetch list of test case and their name
for(testCaseCounter in (0..(iTotalTestCases.size-1)))

## Enable test cases in SoapUI using groovy

// ***** Code to enable test step using its name:
def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;
oTestSuite.getTestCaseByName("TestCase 1").setDisabled(false)

if require to enable all step in one go then use below code:

// Create testSuite object

def oTestSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;

// Get the array of test cases
def iTotalTestCases = oTestSuite.getTestCaseList().name

// Fetch list of test case and their name
for(testCaseCounter in (0..(iTotalTestCases.size-1)))

Point to be remember:  Above code will work only when call with in groovy step of a test case because it is using SoapUI predefined variable i.e. "testRunner" which works only under Groovy Test Step of a Test Case.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Enable and Disable test steps in SoapUI using Groovy


If you require to get the list of of test steps in SoapUI then use the below code:

// Get the list of test steps
def oNameList = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepList().name

// Use loop to print name of every step in log
for(iNameCounter in (0..oNameList.size-1))
{ oNameList[iNameCounter]

Example Image:

* Note: Result in sequential order as shown in above image

## Disable test steps in SoapUI using groovy

1 Get the list of test steps using the above code and use the below code:

// Code to disable test step using its name:

if require to disable all step in one go then use below code:

//Get the names of all test steps
def oNameList = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepList().name
for(iNameCounter in (0..oNameList.size-1))

## Enable test steps in SoapUI using groovy

1 Get the list of test steps using the above code and use the below code:

// Code to enable test step using its name:

if require to enable all step in one go then use below code:

//Get the names of all test steps
def oNameList = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepList().name
for(iNameCounter in (0..oNameList.size-1))

oNameList[iNameCounter]: It store the name of step.