Preface: This blog is not related to different kind of automation frameworks. It is about the thing need to consider during planning phase for Automation framework.
A well-defined automation framework helps to maintain higher re-usability and develops easily maintainable scripts. It is very important to
choose an effective automation framework for any project or organization which
is more effective and can be used across projects and have higher ROI from the
automation project.
To consider a framework, we must understand the requirements
and select an approach to create an effective automation framework. Below mentioning
few points which are important to consider to create an effective framework.
- What all kind of application need to automate? It might be Web, Webservices/API, Mobile, Desktop, specific application like Oracle, SAP, etc.
- Flow requirement? Single application or combination frontend and backend.
- Who all are going to use this automation framework for execution?It can be used by QA, Developer or business people as well
- What kind of reporting we require?
- Do you require any separate logging for debugging?
- Is your framework require Performance Testing using those functional scenarios?
- Is any requirement of GUI testing?
- Do you require CI/CD integration?
- Do you require Code coverage also?
- Do you require Big Data integration too?
A Goal without planning is just a Dream
Valuable points.. (y)